Austin Lactation Consultant |

Postpartum Doula |

Perinatal Mental Health Coach

Helping families find confidence, connection, and joy in their journeys

How do I support families?

Lactation Consultant

As your lactation consultant, I can support you with:

  • Low milk production

  • Latch difficulties

  • Nipple pain or damage

  • Engorgement and clogged ducts

  • Lip and tongue tie

  • Exclusive pumping

  • Flange sizing

  • Prenatal preparation for breastfeeding/chestfeeding

  • Lactation after breast or chest surgery

  • Induced lactation

  • Gender-affirming lactation care

  • Feeding multiples

  • Bottle introduction/refusal

  • Returning to work

  • Weaning

Postpartum Doula

Here are some ways I can assist you as your postpartum doula:

  • Emotional Support: compassionate care and problem-solving, tailored to your needs

  • Feeding Support: assistance with breastfeeding, bottle feeding, and pumping

  • Baby Basics: education on infant care and hands-on help with your baby

  • Household Assistance: help with laundry, food prep, errands, and dishes, so you can focus on bonding with your baby and self-care

  • Postpartum Recovery: support for you in healing after pregnancy and childbirth

Perinatal Mental Health Coach

As your coach, I am adept at providing support surrounding:

  • Preparing for your birth

  • Pregnancy and birth complications

  • Perinatal mental health (struggles with anxiety, depression, etc.)

  • Relationship with food, exercise, and body image

  • Stress, mood fluctuations, and fatigue

  • Feeding choices and challenges

  • Exercise and nutrition during pregnancy and postpartum

  • Pregnancy, birth, and parenting as a neurodivergent adult

  • Returning to work

  • Fertility challenges

  • NICU stays, premature infants, and medical complications

  • Birth trauma and birth processing

Austin Lactation Consultant Heather Eure IBCLC

Who I Am

Oxytocin Perinatal Support

I’m Heather Eure, owner of Oxytocin Perinatal Support! I’m passionate about surrounding families with the support they need during the big and beautiful transition to parenthood.

I’m a lactation consultant, postpartum doula, perinatal mental health coach…and also a mother of three. I’ve been where you are and know how hard parenting is! Those early days at home, feeding your baby while sleep-deprived, recovering from your birth, and trying to protect your mental health, are incredibly intense. And then there’s the pressure from all around us and within us to “get it right.” I support families with compassion and evidence-based information, while guiding them to discover and trust their inner parenting instincts.


breastfeeding success austin mother nursing baby

Lactation Consultant

Out-of-pocket prices are shown below. Oxytocin Perinatal Support is in-network with several major insurance companies who will cover 100% of your clinic visit fee. Travel fees may apply for home visits, depending on your distance from Southwest Austin; contact me for more information. See my insurance page for further details on insurance and verification of benefits. Clients paying out of pocket may request a superbill for insurance reimbursement.


Lactation Consult

$250 initial visit (90 mins)
$200 follow-up (60-90 mins)

Initial: $350
Follow-up: $250


Lactation Consult

$250 initial visit (90 mins)
$200 follow-up (60-90 mins)

Initial: $325
Follow-up: $250

Lactation Consult

$100 (45-60 mins)

Appointments available

Postpartum Doula

Postpartum Doula

Daytime Support

24 hours of support

36 hours of support

Typical postpartum care
shifts are four hours. Rates are
$50/hour for singletons,
$55/hour for multiples.
Inquire about additional
hours or custom packages.

Postpartum Doula + Lactation Support

24 hours of support +
2 in-home lactation visits

36 hours of support +
2 in-home lactation visits

Postpartum Doula + Lactation Support + Perinatal Mental Health Coaching

24 hours of support +
2 in-home lactation visits +
4 virtual coaching sessions

36 hours of support +
2 in-home lactation visits +
4 virtual coaching sessions

Please inquire about custom packages.

Austin postpartum doula family with baby

Perinatal Mental Health Coach

Perinatal Mental Health Coaching Individual Sessions

$100 (45-60 mins)

All sessions include a customized
care plan as well as personalized
list of local and virtual resources, as needed. Appointments available worldwide.

Perinatal Mental Health Coaching Packages

6 sessions

12 sessions

Inquire about
custom packages.

Recent Testimonials

A perfectionist myself, I love working with families who are struggling with the drive to “get it right” in their parenting journeys. My approach is rooted in understanding and empathy, helping individuals navigate the challenges of parenthood with compassion and self-acceptance. Together, we work towards embracing imperfection and finding balance amidst the demands of raising children.

Who I Support

prenatal breastfeeding support Austin

My experience and passion lie in supporting various types of families, including:

  • Breastfeeding/chestfeeding, pumping, and combo feeding families

  • NICU families

  • Parents of preemies and late preterm babies

  • Families with multiples

  • Those inducing lactation

  • Neurodivergent parents, such as ADHDers, Autistic parents, and those with Sensory Processing Disorder or sensory differences

  • Parents with a history of mental health concerns or at high risk for perinatal mental health challenges

  • LGBTQIA+ families

I provide inclusive, neurodiversity-affirming, gender-affirming care to all families. I strive to create a safe and supportive environment where you feel respected, understood, and valued.

My aim is to empower you with evidence-based information and nurture your confidence to find the approach that best suits your family's needs while honoring your parental instincts.

What Sets Me Apart